Monday, February 16, 2009

Final Research Proposal

Extracting the constructional basis (rules) out of radiolarian skeletons will benefit the architectural quality of a load bearing construction in architecture.

Research question:
How can I manipulate a micro structure of a radiolarian skeleton, in order to benefit a load bearing structure in architectural context?
  • Which type of radiolarian will I take as a subject within this research?
  • What are the constructional rules, this type of skeleton is based upon? And how will I apply those rules to architecture in the translation process.
  • For that, I have to ask: Which (main) rule of micro-construction will I use as a basic manipulation (parametrisation) tool in G.C.? I.e. density-, lenght-, position- or number of elements.
  • Did the translation process benefit the mechanical performance of the structure within architectural context? (Diana)
Methodology (plan):

  • Research on the mechanical features of skeletons of radiolarians. Consulting drawings, literature & professors in maritime biology.
  • Choose one type of radiolarian.
  • Model the radiolaria as it is in G.C. to get hold of the programm. & Try to find the most essential rule, which underlies in the mechanical quality of the micro skeletons of radiolarians
  • Test the radiolarian under is natural boundary conditions in Diana. Try to understand the logic of the construction. And try to find out the most essential RULE again.
  • Test the same radiolarian structure again, but then in an architectural context. What are the weak spots??
  • Model a tool in G.C . in order to translate the radiolarian structure into an architectural bearing structure (being aware of the basic principle(s) of the radiolarian skeletons!! use the RULE detected before)
  • Test results in Diana (make different G.C-Diana-loops if possible)
  • Evaluate results and link to hypothesis.