other options of this one are:
- varying also the radial density between the rings.
- inserting a random factor when defining the points, to get a more unsteady look of the structure.

An other configuration, Hexagon Structure
The parameters are in this case:
n_c (number of main circels)
p_cALL (density of points along all circles)
n_cSEC_1 (circular density of secondary circles in between the 1st and 2nd circel)
n_cSEC_2 (circular density of secondary circles in between the 2nd and 3rd circel)
n_cSEC_n (etc)
The folowing image illustrates what happens if we construct the Voronoi Diagram, based on the same configuration of the model as in previous image of the Delaunay triangulation.

Same configuration, but Voronoi Diagram