Radiolarian structure analysis & basic principles:
the radiolarian structure (type: Litarachnium) I want to work with, can be abstacted in a basic set of a main skeleton structure, connected to a wireframe of hexagons and pentagons.
The first will be the input of the computational optimizing tool and the lather will be the output, reconfigurated by the computational optimizing tool. Please take a look at the next image for more explaination.

basic principles of litharachnium_polyhydrons
The C60 molecular structure is based on the same principle of the combination of hexa- and pentagonal surface parts. Please take a look at the next illustrations.

Icosahedral global minimal structures
Process of transformation:
1. accept the fact that this structure functions optimal for this type of radiolarion in its own environment (to prove it in diana or GC (??) will cause a time problem).
2. Apply wind forces and dead weight on the same structure. analyse what the problem areas will be in the main structure. and re-define a new main structure to use as input.
3. create the model and the basic rules in GC. Implement the loop tool.
4. Re-arrrange and optimize the wireframe according to the new input (basic structure) with help of the finite elements loop tool. The loop tool will help to find the optimal configurations of the hexa- and pentagonal wireframe in combination with the new basic structure.
Possible future applications:
it will be able to import any basic shape of main skeleton into GC - loop tool. The tool will find the optimal configuation of the hexa- and pentagonal wireframe of sub beams.
Final final final goal:
Designing/building a pavilion constructed out of silicon (glass) and some type of raisin. Because, if my hypothesis* appears to be true, I would like to search for a way of building a structure in radiolarian style. And that would hypothetically be in a glass composite.
*Adjusted (has to be reformulated) Hypothesis:
It will be feasible to build a structure of a pavilion out of a glass-raisin composite (tested in Diana), if the basic principles of this specific type of radiolari are extracted, re-defined and optimized via a computational tool in GC.
note 1: I'm planning to contact Fred Veer in order to discuss the materialization of glass-raisin. For this course I want to test the optimal structure materialized in glass making use of a Diana simulation. In order to test my hypothesis!
note 2: I also did try to understand an algorithm used to solve an issue called the Traveling salesman problem (TSP) using Simulated Annealing. This algorithm optimizes a travelling path.
Via the following link you can do a little game, using Simulated Annealing, to understand the principle.
I'm expecting that the loop tool in GC also applies a similar algorithm. is this right Michela?
note 3: today I visited Jaap Kaandorp, he is a professor in biology and works at the computational science department of the science faculty of the university of Amsterdam. He explained me quite some interesting principles concerning micro structures, like sponges and radiolaria. He helped me to get a little bit deeper into the subject and that made me able to extract some usefull principles to work on during this course.
Hi Maria, for now a quick comment – I will come back later for some deeper discussion.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is quite important you involve differences between radiolarian structures/building structures as relevant part of your model – we already discussed about factors that might affect this part (starting from radiolarian geometry but requiring geometrical changes due to scale factor, asymmetrical loads (like wind) and other).
One possibility you could take into account while doing that, might be for example extracting from radiolarian not only the starting geometry, but also the ‘variability rules’ which can be followed by your geometry while searching for a configuration better reacting to the scenario of your building structural conditions (instead of a micro scale oceanic scenario).
If you whish to have a look at how the GA optimization tool works, have a look at the link here below. You can also directly contact Peter von Buelow who could for sure give you the best explanations.
See you in a while,